These Preachers Say God Promised a 2nd Trump Term. What Now?

Kris Vallotton prophesied to all who would listen that God had told him Donald Trump would win re-election. As a senior associate minister at California’s 11,000-member Bethel Church, a swarm of eager believers received the pastor’s prophecy as God’s unshakeable will.

“This is not about politics. I’m so sorry if it feels that way. I know how it could. Everybody in the front row knows me. It’s not about politics. If the Lord gave me this word about President Obama I would stand here and give it and I have done so before. This decree, the Lord is gonna step in sovereignly. He’s gonna bring it to a close. And it’s gonna be ugly but it’s gonna be the Lord,” Vallotton said in November of 2019, as Trump faced his impeachment trial. “And I believe the Lord’s gonna give him another term. I believe it because… the Lord wants it. ‘Cause the Lord wants it,” he went on, explaining that “I am commissioned by God to do this today. I had three dreams in one night.”


Maegan Schwindling