What Has Jesus Been Doing Since His Ascension?


What has Jesus been doing since his ascension? This is the question that Frank Viola wrestles with in his new book "Jesus Now: Unveiling the Present-Day Ministry of Christ." Viola has been on something of a quest to discover Jesus afresh, authoring and co-authoring several other books on the topic. Here, we discuss what Viola calls the seven aspects of Jesus' present-day ministry.

RNS: I loved your book "Jesus: A Theography" with Leonard Sweet. You seem to be writing a lot on Jesus these days. What sparked this for you?

FV: "Jesus: A Theography" tells the story of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation, whereas "Jesus Now" explores the present-day ministry of Christ. It answers the question, "What is Jesus doing now?" It's an entire study on what Jesus' ministry has been since His ascension and until His second coming, and how it benefits every believer.

I embarked on the journey because I know of no other book that's addressed this specific subject in any detail and in a way that every reader can understand. So I felt an exploration of the seven aspects of Christ's present-day ministry was needed.

RNS: Seven aspects of Christ's present-day ministry?

FV: Yes. They are Great High Priest, Good Shepherd, Heavenly Bridegroom, Author and Finisher of Our Faith, Builder of Ekklesia, Head of the Church, and Lord of the World. I went through the entire New Testament from Matthew to Revelation to find every verse that gives insight into what Jesus has been doing since His ascension. Each chapter describes one of these facets, so each chapter is like a different side of a diamond when you begin turning it. To my mind, all of them shine brilliantly in their own way.

RNS: Did you find anything that caused you hesitation?